Guia docente 2012_13
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Metodoloxía e planificación do adestramento deportivo I
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Wool adaptation in him depose you (*)*Concept of *entrenamiento sportive* Concept of adaptation in him depose you*He process of sportive adaptation*Mechanism *general of adaptation**Sindrome *general of Dynamic*adaptation of @el process of *entrenamiento sportive: I stimulate, *fatiga, recovery, *supercompensación, adaptation*sensitive Phases in wool adaptation
The load of training Concept of load of training Typology of loads of *entrenamientoAspectos that determine the load of training: content, magnitude, organisation of the load
The sportive form Concept of *formafactores that determine the performance *deportivocaracterísticas of the form *deportivaTipos of form *deportivaFases of the state of *formaSintomas of the state of *formaEvaluación of the sportive form
The principles of the training Concept and *clasificaciónPrincipios *biológicosprincipios *pedagógicosprincipios of planning and organisation
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the Strength Concept factors that determine the production of *fuerzaprocesos of adaptation in the training of the strength: structural, neuromuscular *mecánicasManifestaciones of the strength: active and reactivates.Methods of training of the demonstrations of the *fuerzaFases sensitive for the development of the strength
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the speed *Conceptosfactores Of which depends the *velocidadmanifestaciones of the speed: reaction, *acelaración and *deceleración, speed of an isolated movement, speed of a continuous movement *cíclico, speed of a movement *contínuo acyclic.The resistance to the *velocidadLa resistance to the maximum *velocidadMétodos of training of the demonstrations of the *velocidadDesarrollo of the potential of *velocidadLa barrier of *velocidadla agility
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the resistance *ConceptoFactores That determine the *resistenciaProcesos of adaptation to the training of resistance *aeróbicaProcesos of adaptation to the training of resistance *anaeróbicaManifestaciones of the *resistenciaMétodos of the training of the resistance
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the flexibility *Conceptofactores That determine the mobility *articularTipología of mobility *articularBeneficios of the training of the flexibility with regard to other capacities *condicionalesMétodos of the training of the flexibility
(*)Detection and selection of sportive talents (*)
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