Guia docente 2013_14
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grao en Belas Artes
  Philosophy of art
Topic Sub-topic
1. The AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE It. Bases of the aesthetic experience
*b. *Historicidade And relativism.
*c. Individual, original, copy, fake.
2. The STATUTE ORIXINARIO OF The ART It. Signs and symbols.
*b. *Conducción Of the felt.
*c. *Bataille, *Klossowski.
3. FORM And EVENT It. Historical origins.
*b. Interpretation.
*c. A synthesis of the plastic from these concepts: the Greek temple, the cutback.
4. The DIAGRLOVE PICTORIAL It. A synthesis of the contemporary plastic movements from the concept of *Diagrama.
5. NATURALISM And MORALITY. It. Moral speeches in the aesthetic.
*b. The *mitocrítica.
*c. *Hitchcock-*Bosco: A comparative.
6. OBXECTUALIGIVE PURE. It. The nature died.
7. The SUBLIME It. Foundational category of the *modernidade.
*b. The photographic landscape.
*c. Of ruins: Robert *Smithson, *Piranesi, Walter Benjamin.
*d. The sublime contemporary.
8. CRISIS OF The MODERNIDADAnd It. Baudelaire.
*b. Walter Benjamin.
*b. The Pop.
10. The COLOUR It. *Cromofobias.
*b. *variaciones And disturbances of the colours.
11. PORTRAIT, ROSTRIT. It. The representation of the *rostro.
*b. Francis Bacon: pages of meat.
12. SPEECHES #PUT IT TO MEGAVE It. The *eros *deleuziano.
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