Guia docente 2013_14
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grao en Belas Artes
  Video projects
  Description Qualification
Classroom work Assessment is continuous during the course of the field. Are valued, especially the following: level of personal involvement and researcher on the project to be undertaken; obtaining effective results, and consistent with the idea of the project and monitoring of active matter and attitude in the workshop and assistance to it; experimental management tools and software development; interest and custom criteria in the various activities of study, creation, participation and material analysis.
Will stipulate a deadline for delivery of the work and then publish your final grade.

If the qualification of class work reaches the passing mark will be weighted according to their percentage of value, together with that obtained with the supervised work and thus will form the final grade for the subject.

If the student fails to exceed the approved level and fails to deliver the working class as a project that provides practical matter, will choose to stand, to pass the subject, to reviews of the July session.
Tutored works The presentation of supervised work (project report along with documentation work), at the end the fourth month period (will stipulate a final delivery date), is mandatory for all students.
Be evaluated: the documentation handled, and the conclusions reached in the project finalization of the art audiovisual media (class work), the preparation of a text structure (writing style, and organization of the text argument, vocabulary and spelling) quality . The contribution of artwork and presentation (layout and design).

Failure to submit the written theoretical work (labor ward) reduced by 30% to the grade earned in the class work.
Other comments on the Evaluation

Final date Deliver -Proof of Final Evaluation of the Subject-: 14 JANUARY 2014


The students will owe to present an audiovisual project (how final work), second the same
parameters that transmitted and imparted in the
subject. This project will owe to realized
tie the date gives announcement under *titorización of any or of all the @docente gives subject and, therefore,
the professors will owe to know the
process of realization of this work and
know that it will be presented how result to evaluate
in the second announcement gives subject (July). Stop this,
or students will owe to keep contact, us
time of *titorías that stipulate , with the professors involved.

Together with the audiovisual
project (final work), or student will owe to present the same type of
work *tutelado that required during it *impartición of the subject.
It Will owe to based in the even
type of thematic and developmental content of contents stipulated
during it *impartición @docente of the subject.

The qualification obtained how sense final gives subject will value gives following
way: audiovisual
project (70%); work *tutelado

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000