Guia docente 2018_19
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
Grao en Comercio
  Economics: Spanish and global economics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Autonomous problem solving Complementary activities of personal work (no presencial). Exercises that show the autonomous capacity of each student. 20 B4
Objective questions exam Basic activities of personal work (presencial and no presencial) that includes the realization of questionnaires vinculados to the kinds magistrales and to the practical sessions of laboratory. 20 C1
Short answer tests Basic activities of personal work (presenciales or no presenciales) consistentes in answering by writing, of synthetic form, to the questions relevantes of each subject of the program (desenvuelto in the sessions magistrales). 20 B3
Essay questions exam Complementary activities (presencial or no presencial) consistentes in relating the results of the group of the activities of the subject, so much of the theoretical contents how practical. 30 B3
Systematic observation It will evaluate the personal attitude of the student that will verify through the periodic follow-up.
The student's personal attitude will be evaluated, which will be verified through periodic follow-up.
As long as the subject is passed according to the criteria described above, a maximum of 1 point will be added for the participation in certain activities
external ones that are organized by the center.
10 D13
Other comments on the Evaluation

The examination will represent like minimum the 60 percent of
the final evaluation.

When it do not proceed the continuous
evaluation, will realize a final examination that will be able to include questions of type test, of short answer or of development,similar
to the system of evaluation described previously.
The dates for the examinations are the established in the official Calendar
of each Centre and published in his page web.
The corresponding examination to
the second announcement will follow the same model and criteria of qualification with the
final examination.
In this Centre, the punctuation achieved in the Final Examination will represent
a 60 percent of the Final Qualification and the continuous evaluation a 40 percent.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000